Sunday, June 21, 2009

hmm......... berkurun oledy sya ndak update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lol it has been so long since i updated my blog berapa tahun sudah jap dikira dulu!!!!!!....................... ehh tak sampai pun setahun hahahahahaha...... well the reason behind it is to much work and last time my celcom broadband macam shit ........... coz my dad lupa bayar for one month lol ...............

ermm so much has happened to me well there the funny stuff and the not so funny stuff lah but anyways anything happen well no pic for the rest of blogs coz camera sya went MIA i forget where i put it lah ..... OMFG buleh lupa lagi tue.

body ndak fit lagi after one month off slacking at home playing dota saja hahahaha but i still noob muahahahahahaha........ my cats bertambah sudah...apa lagi sya mau tulis sya pun ndak tau......... next time lah tengah high fever bha nie so otak pun blank muahahahahahahaaa